Post Room and Bomb Awareness Training

T2P Post Room and Bomb Awareness Training Overview

For commercial organisations, the question often asked is “Why would someone target us” Well, whether you are a shopping mall, large blue chip company or small enterprise, the chances are that somewhere in your system you are dealing with companies who are actively being targeted, and to terrorists that makes you a legitimate target.

Ask yourself this question: Am I responsible for the protection of people property and assets? If the answer is yes then you need to read on and ask yourself some more questions:

  • Would my staff or I know how to respond in the event of a telephoned bomb threat or discovery of a suspect package/postal bomb?
  • Do I provide / work in a safe working environment?
  • Have I put systems in place to mitigate the threat from terrorist attacks?
  • Am I fully complying with my Health & Safety responsibilities?
  • Have my staff received training that meets and exceeds Occupational standards?
  • Can you or your staff safely search for a bomb & do you know what a bomb looks like?
  • Do you need to evacuate every time, and if not, when?
  • Do you have a different bomb & Fire evacuation plans?

If you or any of your staff answer no, or are not sure of the answers to any of the above, then Train2Protect has the solution.

Our training, consultancy and equipment packages can be tailored to meet almost any security related topic that you may require, this can include:

  • Improvised Explosive Devices: component parts and types of explosives.
  • Dealing with telephone bomb threats.
  • Threat and Vulnerability Assessments.
  • Actions on discovery of a device: Evacuation procedures, evacuation distances.
  • Bomb detection: Search, Suspicious packages and postal devices.
  • Suicide bombers: Detection and protection.
  • Search Procedures: Person, vehicle, site, perimeter and building.


Train2Protect currently provides a range of Bomb Awareness, Security Search and IED Awareness courses in Rochester, Kent & across the UK as well internationally.

If you are a company, nightclub or other venue and would like training within the UK or internationally for a number of staff, we can run a course on your premises, at a date and time convenient to you, for more details please contact us.

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