Health and Saftey Training Courses

Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS)

Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS)


Train2Protect’s Radiation Protection Supervisors RPS training course is designed to meet the core requirements of the new updated Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17).

The IRR17 requires that employers provide sufficient information, instruction and training to all those who might be affected by ionising radiation. So, if your company uses equipment such as X-ray generators or radioactive sources for baggage or mail screening , you are deemed to be a ‘radiation employer‘ and are required to appoint a Radiation Protection Supervisor.

  • Are you confident that you would sail through an inspection by the HSExecutive on the IRR17?
  • Are you sure that your working environment and procedures fully protect your staff?
  • Are you happy that your Radiation Protection Supervisor has received sufficient training to satisfy the Health and Safety Executive requirement for “core competence”?

If you have doubts over any of the above, then this course is for you or your employee.

This one day course is designed to cover all the core requirements specified by the HSE for the effective administration of radiation safety issues. It will cover all of the requirements setting up safe working practices and ensure that your staff are fully protected, and ensure that you have documentary evidence to prove adequate training for your Radiation Protection Supervisor.

The course has been streamlined into a single day and will cover the essentials required by IRR17.

What our students say about this course:

Great instructor, informative and engaging

Exceeded expectations, thank you


Due to the nature of the course and the requirement for an operational scanner, cabinet or conveyor, this course is currently only available at client sites.

Course Booking

To book a course and check availability or for further information, please call, email or click here to contact us.
