Post Room and Bomb Awareness Training

Safe or Suspect – Postal devices

Safe or Suspect – Postal devices


Recognition of Suspect Postal Devices and X-ray Image Interpretation

Our X-ray image interpretation trainer is a former British Army Bomb Disposal Officer and Counter Terrorist Search Advisor who is licensed by the Department for Transport Security Directorate, to transport and possess realistic inert training aids and deliver training in the recognition of Firearms, Explosives and Incendiary Devices. All of our Safe or Suspect courses are accredited by the Institute for Munitions Clearance and Search Engineers (IMCSE)

Security within the Post or Mailroom and the threat from Mail is often under estimated and overlooked.

Recent attacks both at home and overseas have shown how vulnerable business can be to attack via the postal system. Attacks have included chemical, biological, explosive and non-lethal devices. Regular reviews and training will ensure your Post or Mailroom staff can meet this growing threat.

For many years the Royal Mail and courier systems have been used by terrorists, criminals and disgruntled individuals to deliver postal devices of all types including letter bombs. Their intention, to kill, maim, frighten or disrupt individuals, business and government. Despite these attacks, many companies have failed to respond to this real and growing threat. Investment in training and technology can act as an effective line of defence for individuals, companies and government departments.

It is important that all Post or Mailroom Staff  have an understanding of what makes an article suspect and exactly what is a prohibited article. It is also important to appreciate the correct procedures of how to handle either circumstance. If staff are using X-ray scanners to screen mail, then it is important for them to be able to interpret the images shown on a screen and be able to interrogate those images if necessary. Security Staff may also require an understanding of how to identify prohibited articles and their component parts. What makes an item either prohibited or suspicious can depend on local environments and regulations. Innocent items such as cameras, recording devices and alcohol as well as explosives and firearms may be considered as prohibited on certain sites.

Courses available


We remember that you are the customer and as such we aim to deliver training when and where you want it. We do not ask you to pay a premium for this service which includes out of hours and weekends.


Courses are delivered in-house on your equipment to ensure staff gain the maximum benefit from training.
