First Aid Trainer Start-Up Pack (Basic plus+)
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Excluding VAT: £455.84 No longer available
This basic plus+ pack is the ideal start up pack for a new First Aid Instructor or training organisation. This basic pack contains all of the equipment you need to deliver your first 2 ‘First Aid at Work’, ‘Emergency First Aid at Work’ or ‘AED’ courses:
4 Actar D-Fib CPR Manikins c/w back pack and 40 disposable lungs
5 First Aid Kits (1 BS8599 for instructor demo and 4 HSE for student use)
25 Face shields (1 for instructor demo and 24 for student use)
25 First Aid at Work manuals
1 Accident book
1 Epi-Pen traine
Telefunken AED training unit
Why not consider adding the Actar AED trainer to your package? The Actar AED Trainer™ is available in packs of 5 and 10 allowing multiple students to practice AED training scenarios simultaneously. Using the audio CD supplied or the prompts from a conventional AED trainer, this can; reduce class time, provide students with more hands-on training, improve student skill proficiency and confidence and give the instructor more opportunity to monitor and assist students.