Health and Saftey Products and Equipment

DoorPedL™(for latched doors)

DoorPedL™(for latched doors)


Until now hands free door openers have only been available for latchless doors. DoorPedL™ DP02 is the hands free door opener designed specifically for latched doors. The DP02 is the hands free door opener for use with latched doors

• Manufactured using 3mm folded steel for extra strength and durability
• Sold in pairs to provide hands free opening of door in both directions
• Complete with fixings, installation instructions, mounting templates
and signage.

Five great reasons for using the DoorPedL™ for latched doors

  1. Hygienic and Safe – eliminate germ and virus transmission using DoorPedL™ to open doors with your foot.
  2. Easy to install – quick and simple to fit. No specialist skills required.
  3. Fits a variety of doors – available for latched and unlatched doors.
  4.  Get people back to work sooner – by making the workplace safer.
  5. Available in any finish – match your existing ironmongery with a wide range of finishes.

